Two Slates Of Candidates
for BAC Local 23 Election Nominated
Two slates of candidates for BAC Local 23 officeholders were put forward today at a Nomination Meeting at the Plumbers & Pipefitters Local in Columbus for the upcoming election.
Nominations were accepted for President, Secretary/Treasurer and five Vice Chair positions for BAC Local 23.
BAC Local 23 members in good standing will be able to vote for individuals for the offices or vote for an entire slate of candidates.
The two slates are Forward Together and Bricklayers For Change.

The election will be overseen by a three-member Election Committee composed of Donald May, Election Committee Chair,, Mike Collins and Russell Cerisano.
Please know you can always reach out to leadership if you have any questions. Here is a link to their information. Our doors and phones are always open to you so please call us at 440-986-3000 or send an email to
President – Danny Musacchio
Secretary/Treasurer – Noah Carmichael
Vice Chairperson – Brian Greynolds
Vice Chairperson – Brian Collier
Vice Chairperson – Willie Moon
Vice Chairperson – Brian Wear
Vice Chairperson – Shawn Herzog