Check out the photo below and share it with pride.

This is bricklayer ingenuity at our best.

BAC Local 23 bricklayers were already involved in a difficult, intricate restoration project at Cleveland Thermal when subzero temperatures – we’re talking 15 degrees with a windchill of -3 – hit the Cleveland area.

Our members kept their cool and figured out a way to keep the workplace warm.

Thanks to Bill Jenkins, a long-time foreman running the job for Renaissance Restoration who happens to have a keen interest in steam heat, BAC Local 23 bricklayers built a box around the work site and pumped in warm air from Cleveland Thermal.

“No matter what is thrown at us, our bricklayers get it done,” said Danny Musacchio, Local BAC 23 president. “Bill Jenkins and the crew made sure the job kept running through one of the worst patches of subzero temperatures we have witnessed in a long time.”

BAC Local 23 Constitution Committee Meets

The BAC Local 23 Constitution Committee, composed of members from all 9 local chapters appointed by President Danny Musacchio by way of a vote of confidence at our November meetings, met on Friday, Jan. 17 in Columbus.

Over the course of more than four hours, the committee members listened to a legal presentation about the Constitution, discussed a range of issues regarding the subjects covered by the Constitution, and adopted procedures for moving forward.

The committee members agreed to convene again after the officer elections are completed in March.

Chapter Nominations Wrapping Up This Week

Chapter nominations for the 9 BAC Local Chapters are wrapping up this week.

Tonight (Monday, January 20), the Tri-State Chapter and Central Ohio Chapter will meet, and tomorrow night the North Shore Chapter, Northeast Ohio Chapter, Southern West Virginia and Northern West Virginia Chapters are scheduled to hold nomination meetings.

Three chapters previously met: the Ohio Valley Chapter on Thursday, January 16, the Southwest Ohio Chapter on January 9 and the Northwest Ohio Chapter on January 7. The candidates nominated at those meetings had no opposition so they are all duly elected.

The elected positions are for three years with the terms beginning April 1.

Two Field Rep Positions Open In Ohio

We have openings for Field Reps in the greater Cleveland area and the Canton market in Ohio. If you need Field Rep assistance while we fill the positions, please call 440.986.3000. If you are interested in being a Field Rep, and want to learn more about the positions, please send an email to or call 440.986.3000.

Please know you can always reach out to leadership if you have any questions. Here is a link to their information. Our doors and phones are always open to you so please call us at 440-986-3000 or send an email to

President – Danny Musacchio
Secretary/Treasurer – Noah Carmichael
Vice Chairperson – Brian Greynolds
Vice Chairperson – Brian Collier
Vice Chairperson – Willie Moon
Vice Chairperson – Brian Wear
Vice Chairperson – Shawn Herzog