BAC Local 23 Bricklayers did our union proud last week at the World of Concrete Masonry Skills Challenge in Las Vegas.
First year Bricklayer Michael McKee brought home first place and Eon Spears, a second year Bricklayer, brought home second place.
Hannah Miller and David Darling also represented BAC Local 23 at the challenge.
“Congratulations to Michael, Eon, Hannah and David. Our bricklayers have the best hands in the business, and once again our talented members rose to the challenge last week at the World of Concrete Masonry Skills Challenge in Las Vegas,” said Danny Musacchio, BAC Local 23 President.
“I also want to give props to Senior Brick Instructor Don Robinson, Mark White, Senior Southern Training Director, and Field Reps Luke Henry and Brian Wear for their commitment to excellence and for making sure the next gen of Bricklayers is in good hands,” Musacchio said.

Nominations Completed in 9 Chapters
Contested Race in North Shore Ohio Chapter
Chapter nominations for the BAC Local 23 Chapters wrapped up last week, and candidates nominated in eight of the nine chapters had no opposition so they were all duly elected.
In the North Shore Ohio Chapter, in the only contested race, the two candidates are Neal Helmick and David Greer for the Chapter Chairperson.
The elected positions are for three years with the terms beginning April 1.

Ballots for Upcoming Officer Elections to Be
Mailed on February 3, Counted March 14
Two slates of candidates are vying for BAC Local 23 elected offices this year that include President, Secretary/Treasurer and five Vice Chairs.
As an active member or a retiree, you will be receiving a ballot in the mail. You will be able to vote for individual candidates or for a slate of candidates as a whole.
The ballots are being mailed out on February 3 and returned ballots will be counted on March 14.
Once you vote, place your marked ballot in the the Secret Ballot Envelope and seal the envelope. Then place the Secret Ballot Envelope into the Business Reply Mail Return Envelope that contains your name and a barcode that identifies you.
The return envelope will be processed and separated from the Secret Ballot Envelope prior to opening the Secret Ballot Envelope so your personal information cannot be linked to your ballot.
Seal the Return Mail Envelope and mail. No postage is necessary. No hand-delivered ballots will be accepted. All ballots must be received by the ballot pickup on March 14, 2025 or they will not be counted.
If you make a mistake on your ballot, lose your ballot, or need any materials which accompanied your ballot, you may request a replacement by call MK Elections at 412.548.2140.
Please know you can always reach out to leadership if you have any questions. Here is a link to their information. Our doors and phones are always open to you so please call us at 440-986-3000 or send an email to info@bac23.org
President – Danny Musacchio
Secretary/Treasurer – Noah Carmichael
Vice Chairperson – Brian Greynolds
Vice Chairperson – Brian Collier
Vice Chairperson – Willie Moon
Vice Chairperson – Brian Wear
Vice Chairperson – Shawn Herzog